
Established since 1975 (then as SengLee), ADMIRA is an experienced and trustworthy surface design company with its long history serving the changing needs and demands of the furniture and interior design industry. As it continues to expand regional market presence and evolve as one of the leading laminates provider, ADMIRA extends a comprehensive range of laminate products, providing long-lasting reliability and style to brand-conscious designers who need creative stimulation and one-stop solution services.

ADMIRA runs at the forefront of technology and trends, enliving every living space, with SURFACES WORTH ADMIRING.

Understanding the importance of offering trendy designs and inspiring creativity, ADMIRA leverages on its knowledge and expertise to deliver high quality products and services. Customers and partners can look forward to having a peace of mind when using any of ADMIRA’s surface materials in their projects.

ADMIRA strives to instate surfaces design as a product that is essentially suitable to everyone’s lifestyles with a class of its own.

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